Why should I be thinking about my energy usage?
Leisure facilities. whether they are standalone or within buildings such as hotels consume huge quantities of power throughout their operating hours. Pro-actively monitoring and controlling utility consumption across a site is beneficial for the environment and will generate savings enabling the operator to reinvest in either customer facing types of investment and/or health and wellbeing initiatives.
Understanding and controlling consumption assists organisations to meet their low carbon targets.
The majority of leisurefacilities are estimated to be able to save at least 25-30% of their gas, water and electricity bills, through improved efficiencies based on our projects to date.
Why should I consider having an assessment?
Having an assessment is the first step to understanding your energy consumption and usage profile. Once completed, our comprehensive report will highlight a fully costed ECMs proposal complete with utility savings, carbon reduction and the all-important payback period/return on investment. Once the contents of the report are agreed, a project implementation plan will be produced with a completion date when savings will start to be realised.
We are confident that we will determine significant savings for your facilities, even if you have reviewed your energy usage in the past. This is because most energy saving measures are carried out in isolation and the impact of those changes are often not considered in the context of the whole building.
Results of the assessment are typically delivered within 2 weeks of the onsite assessment.
See our case studies for further information
What qualifies you to undertake the assessment?
Our analysis comes from our highly qualified consultants who have extensive experience in energy management, reduction and engineering.
We have delivered over a hundred energy savings projects delivering several hundreds of thousands of pounds in savings for our clients.
What does the audit entail?
We will require sight of 3 years worth of utility readings in advance of any site visit. Once on site, we will review your current utility performance and plant to arrive at a base load. We will then assess which ECMs will provide the most efficient savings. A comprehensive report will be produced and given to the operator and will include our recommendations and financial case for investment in ECMs. We will also suggest any remedial actions that may not require capital investment by utilising existing equipment more efficiently.
If the operator decides to undertake the recommendations as detailed in the report, we will then be able to provide them with a fully costed project managed solution detailing simple paypacks/ROI.
We can also provide a financing option which will be paid back over the lifetime of the payback period, thus allowing the operator to use it’s hard earned cash on other revenue generating projects.
What information do you ask for?
To enable us to provide you with an accurate report, we ask for the following information: –
- At least 12 months electricity consumption data (kWh) for all electricity meters
- At least 12 months gas consumption data (kWh) for all gas meters
- At least 12 months water consumption data (m3) for all water meters
- If the site has an existing CHP, at least 12 months operating data (hours run/month)
- Representative electricity unit costs for day and night (p/kWh)
- Representative gas unit cost (p/kWh)
- Representative water unit cost for combined supply and discharge (£/m3)
- Basic site plans showing all floors
As part of our onsite inspection, we ask to speak to your Centre Manager and also Facilities/Technical Manager to help us gain a picture of how the building is used throughout the day and identify which utilities are used and when.
If our energy experts feel they require further information such as recent refurbishment information, they will request it.
Can I afford the assessment?
In the majority of cases, facilities and buildings that do not have an energy efficient strategy are spending more for their utilities than they should be. You will notice quickly that efficient equipment run by well trained staff can save you money so our question is: can you afford not to have the assessment?
Utility savings achieved can be reinvested into either customer facing projects/activities or further building improvements. Usually, with just minor adjustments identified by our energy management experts, these will quickly pay back for the cost of the report itself.
If our recommendations include capital investments, we will demonstrate a payback period for your evaluation. Most payback periods are between 3 -7 years but depend upon which energy conservation measures are installed.
We are able to explore financing to assist organisations with the initial investment. If you would like to find out more about these options, please contact us.
If we are unable to identify savings to the value of the energy assessment report, we will refund you the cost of the report.
Do you take commission from suppliers?
We do not take commission from suppliers in order to give you independent advice which provides the best solution.
If your report recommends investment works, we will estimate the cost, provide you with a full specification of the equipment needed and a recommended supplier.
The equipment we advise may not always be the cheapest, but our focus is on providing high quality equipment that is reliable and designed to last, rather than a cheap solution, which will not deliver or stay the course. Installing energy conservation measures should be seen as an investment that will reduce your consumption, costs and CO2 footprint.
What ongoing support do you offer after the improvements have been implemented?
We provide training and documentation to your team on how to use any new equipment to ensure that it is used correctly after installation. We will also show them how to monitor and watch for fluctuations that indicate energy is being used inefficiently.
Training is free to staff who manage or operate your new energy saving initiatives.
Do you only assess leisure centres?
Our portfolio of delivering over 100 leisure projects in the last decade supports our energy saving work in the last 7 years in the leisure sector. As well as identifying energy saving measures we are specialists in construction project management so can provide an end-to-end solution for clients interested in developing their leisure centres more competitively.
The more savings you can uncover, the more competitive your facility can be, improving customer loyalty.
How do I find out more?
If you are interested in finding out how you can make energy savings, please contact our Managing Director, Neil Bland, on 07741 891711 or by email at neil@leisure-energy.com.
We can supply you with sample reports and case studies of sites where we have benchmarked their initial energy output compared to a site where we have uncovered considerable reductions. We offer an initial obligation free consultation prior to deciding if you would like to undertake any assessment. This is an informal question and answer session designed to help you understand the process better and to understand the benefits whilst showing you real data from live leisure centre sites.