Leisure Energy energy assessment

Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme

​​Over the last three years the government has provided Local Authorities and Public Sector organisations with £2.5bn of funding through Phases 1 to 3c to replace/upgrade energy technology and equipment within their buildings to decarbonise heating systems, improve inefficiencies and save money.

In December 2023, the government has announced further funding of £1bn for the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme between 2025 and 2028.

The December announcement confirms Phase 4 of the PSDS funding and we anticipate the Salix portal going live in Autumn 2024.

Leisure Energy have helped write over £70M of compliant applications and been delivering decarbonisation projects as principal designer and contractor. We have a unique and sector leading approach to making decarbonisation affordable and would love to chat with you about how we can support your net zero ambitions; whether operated in-house, LATC or outsourced through a Trust or Private Operator.

Installations of equipment includes air source heat pumps, solar panels, LED lighting, pump controls and dosing systems and battery storage.

To start a conversation, please email info@leisure-energy.com and we can help guide you through the process, identifying not just full decarbonisation options, but also a range of energy saving and renewable technologies which will help make your local leisure centre and swimming pool more economically and environmentally sustainable.

Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme | Salix Finance


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