The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has launched a £1bn grant scheme which aligns with BEIS’ new mission and priorities: fighting coronavirus, backing business, unleashing innovation and tackling climate change. The scheme will also encourage green investment, supporting the Government’s net zero and clean growth goals.
For the leisure sector, Operators should discuss with their Local Authority who can make the application through the SALIX website.
Full criteria and the application process is below. Essentially the applicant has to install a “Category 1” technology which for leisure centres would probably be heat pumps. You can then install Category 2 and 3 which covers everything from ventilation, BMS, LED lighting, solar power, pool covers, pump controls, metering and even batteries. Gas technology such as new boilers and CHP are not included on the technology list.
If you are a leisure operator, or a local authority energy manager, Leisure Energy can assist you with an initial survey to identify the necessary installations at your facilities & offer a turnkey operation to complete the works once the grant has been accepted.
There is a tight deadline for the application and completion of projects, therefore we recommend getting in touch with us as soon as possible.
Application submission – Monday 11th January 2021
Project Completion 30th September 2021
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